Cheat Day [cheet dey] – noun: The one day of the week where diet minded fitness freaks throw caution to the wind and indulge only on the most tantalizing, ridiculously calorie dense foods known to man. Often associated with the term, “carb hangover,” which occurs the morning after a particularly fruitful cheat day. Synonyms: Free Day, Fun Day, Fat Day

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Part V: Chocolate Coffee Pots de Creme Pie

Chocolate pots de creme is one of those recipes that every woman should have in her arsenal.  It's amazing- rich and creamy and delicious and impressive and incredibly easy to make.  In general, you can take the recipe below for the pots de creme and pour it into little, adorable mini glasses for individual sized desserts.  I like to eat these with mini spoons.  I also like to eat these in succession- about four a time.

Like so.

But anyway- since I never leave well enough alone, I instead poured my pots de creme into a pre baked pie shell along with some ganache, topped it with whipped cream frosting, adorned it with chocolate curls and voila- I had a french silk pie.  Ok not really- but it looks like a french silk pie and tastes so sinful that it's mildly awkward to eat around your parents. 

Two Chocolate Coffee Pots de Creme Pies 
Half each recipe to make a single pie

2 pre baked pie shells
One Recipe Chocolate Coffee Pots de Creme 

Pour warm ganache into the pie shells.  Let set in the fridge while you make the pots de creme.

Mix up the pots de creme and pour into the pie shells with the ganache.  Let completely set in the fridge.

Top with whipped cream frosting and chocolate curls.